Q.19. What is the posture recommended for turning the rosary (Mala) during Jap?
Ans. 1. For Jap, select a secluded, noiseless place beneath a tree, in a temple, or at the bank of a river. 2. Be seated in an upright position with crossed-legs (Sukhasan) or on a raised platform if there is some discomfort on sitting on ground. For sitting use a cotton or woollen spread. Animal hides are prohibited. Let the spine be straight and relaxed. Now keep the left hand on the palm turned upwards on the right lap. 3. Hold the rosary in the right hand so that it hangs like a garland across the bridge formed by joining the thumb and ring finger. 4. Keeping the elbow of the right hand on the palm of the left hand and the arm in a vertical position, turn the beads of the rosary inwards (towards yourself) with the help of middle finger-beginning from the main knot (Brahma Granthi). (Use of little finger and index finger is forbidden). 5. On completion of each cycle of rosary, turn it backwards so that the main knot is not crossed, i.e. the Jap in the rosary is "unidirectional". It can be done with the help of same fingers which are used for turning the rosary. Keep the body still. There is no harm in changing position if discomfort is felt after some time. 6. Pronounce the Mantra in whispers, so that it is audible to you only. 7. If there is difficulty in using a rosary, fixed time for Jap may be maintained with the help of a clock. As far as practicable, uniformity of fixed time, duration and place should be maintained.