Similarly in the second open air experiment the NO2 reduced by23% on the day of experiment and was25% reduced on the next day after Yagya. SO2 was 33% below the background level on thwe day of Yagya and was 41% reduced on the 2nd day after Yagya. In both the above experiments there has been perceptible change in the quantum of NO2 and SO2, as compared to the background.
In one experiment the effect was studied till 7 days after Yagya, which was an indoor experiment. The results were very encouraging. In all the indoor experiments there was a significant reduction in the microbes especially the pathogens . The decrease on the day 3 in the four experiments has been recorded as 100%, 67%, 87% and 93% respectively in pathogens, which is impressive. These results are supportive of the fact that Yagya renders the atmosphere bacteriostatic and it kills the harmful microbes in the atmosphere.
In order to study the effect of Yagya on the gaseous pollutants, two experiments were performed in the open air. Samples of air were collected by CPCB in one case and by Envirotech in the second case and analyzed for gaseous pollutants SO2 and NO2 . The two experiments were performed at M.S. Apartments, K.G. Marg, New Delhi, in the open air in January 2004 and February 2005, respectively. In both the experiments the objective was to see if there was any effect of performing Yagya in the open air on the gaseous pollutants. The results in both the cases were encouraging. In the first experiment there was a reduction of 47% in NO2 on the day of Yagya and 60% on the next day. In case of SO2, the reduction was 86% on the day of experiment and almost 100% on the next day as the SO2 was below detection level.